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Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East
Transatlantic Intelligencer, Fall 2005
Joschka Fischer looks out over the lake. “In that direction,” he says, “not far from here, I invented the Road Map. It came to me while jogging.” – Der Spiegel, August 22, 2005 [1]
“Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza has the potential to create a new and positive reality,” declared the Israeli ambassador in Berlin in August 2005, “It can reduce tension, create new economic opportunities and give a new boost to the peace process.”
But the contrary is also possible: namely, the emergence of a “Hamas-stan” that the Islamists can use as a launching pad in order to escalate their war against Israel. Which scenario becomes reality depends decisively on whether and how the influence of Islamism in the Palestinian camp is combated. Germany, as one of the Palestinians’ most important financial backers, will play a key role in this connection. One thing is sure: if Germany and the European Union continue to act as they have done in the context of the Road Map peace plan, then the consequences of the Gaza pullout will be disastrous.
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