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Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East
What will the new American administration and its European allies do to prevent Iran from getting the bomb?
TELOSscope, February 8, 2021
The European-German policy toward Iran has definitively failed with Tehran's gradual exit out or the nuclear agreement. But this is still not recognized in Berlin
TELOSscope (, May 24, 2019
In the Conflict Over the Nuclear Deal, Germany and the EU Take Iran's Side Against Washington
TELOSscope, May 16, 2018
The White House is blackmailing the Europeans to stop them from allowing themselves to be blackmailed by Iran
Hamburg, January 31, 2018
Rèalitè EU, December 21, 2011
A "financial war" against Tehran would be the most humae way of avoiding a nuclear one
RÉALITÉ EU, November 23, 2011
Pajamas Media, November 27, 2008
European Divisions on the Iranian Bomb
World Politics Review, October 11, 2007
Semi-state-owned Austria energy giant OMV plans mammoth deal with Iran
Vienna, May 9, 2007
European governments have to put massive pressure on Iran and confront it with the alternative of either changing course or suffering devastating economic blows
Brussels, March 7, 2007
Transatlantic Intelligencer, Fall 2005
How Germany paved the way to the Kosovo War
April 2000
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